
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Teaching Young Hockey Players to Body Check Doesn’t Cut Injury Risk

Teaching Young Hockey Players to Body Check Doesn’t Cut Injury Risk

Teaching Young Hockey Players to Body Check Doesn’t Cut Injury Risk

Posted: 24 Jul 2012 06:17 PM PDT

Learning to take a hit doesn’t make children less likely to sustain injuries, study says TUESDAY, July 24 (HealthDay News) — Introducing body checking to hockey players at a younger age does not reduce their risk of injury over the long term, according to a new study. There is heated debate about when to allow...

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Need to Get Walking More? Clip on a Pedometer

Posted: 24 Jul 2012 06:17 PM PDT

Study found use of the device nearly doubled the time seniors spent strolling each week By Alan MozesHealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, July 24 (HealthDay News) — Many people say they want to get out and walk or exercise more, but following through is another matter. Now, a study suggests that simply wearing a pedometer can help...

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Obese Kids May Be at Higher Risk for Heart Disease

Posted: 24 Jul 2012 06:17 PM PDT

Researchers found two of three already had one risk factor for cardiovascular trouble TUESDAY, July 24 (HealthDay News) — Researchers who found that two out of three severely obese children already have at least one risk factor for heart disease say their findings are cause for concern in light of increasing rates of childhood obesity....

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Health Tip: Snack Smartly

Posted: 24 Jul 2012 06:17 PM PDT

Don’t overdo it (HealthDay News) — Snacking shouldn’t imply stuffing yourself between meals with junk food, experts say. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says snacking smartly can help you get valuable nutrients and help you avoid overeating. Here are the academy’s suggestions: Keep a variety of healthy snacks at home, work and in your...

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Antioxidants Might Help Cut Pancreatic Cancer Risk, Study Suggests

Posted: 24 Jul 2012 06:17 PM PDT

But the research cannot prove cause and effect, and better trials are needed, experts say MONDAY, July 23 (HealthDay News) — Eating a diet high in antioxidants such as selenium and vitamins C and E may reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by up to two-thirds, a new study suggests. The study is observational in...

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