
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

10 Tips for Raising Healthy Kids

Posted: 26 Dec 2012 02:54 AM PST

Having two children I was always immersed into searches for the matter of raising healthy kids. Tons of books and studying materials, advices, suggestions and other are overwhelming. But most of us are looking for the very simple, "quick and easy" reading tips. I found one at US Department of Health and Services, and I thought they may not cover all the aspects and not so deep, but still it worth to read. You may continue your exploring this topic and you may find your own recipe which you will gratefully share with others.

1. Plan a healthy pregnancy.

Take folic acid and avoid drinking alcohol to help prevent certain birth defects and disabilities. Know your family's health history to see if you and your baby are at higher risk for certain diseases and conditions. Make sure any health conditions you have are under control and that you are up-to-date on your vaccinations.

2. Know the signs of child development.

As your kids grow, they should reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, and act. A delay in any of these areas could be a sign of a developmental problem. The earlier you recognize a delay, the more you can do to help your kids reach their full potential.

3. Get check-ups and vaccinations.

Routine check-ups help identify ways to stay healthy and help find health problems early, when
chances for treatment are better. Vaccinations help prevent many diseases and save lives. Keep track of your and your family's checkups and vaccinations to make sure they stay current.

4. Protect your kids.

Take steps to make sure your home, car, school, and other areas are safe. Use car seats and seat belts for appropriate ages and sizes. Keep harmful substances and objects out of children's
reach. Be aware of signs of maltreatment, including physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. Ask a
trusted friend or family member to watch your kids if you feel yourself losing control and need a break.

5. Provide healthy meals.

Eating right will help provide the nutrients needed to have energy, build strong bones, and fight diseases and conditions. For babies, breastfeeding is best. As children grow, help them choose healthy meals and snacks. Pay attention to what and how much they eat. You'll help them stay on track and may uncover problems of which you were unaware.

6. Keep your kids active.

Help kids and teens be active for at least one hour a day. Include activities that raise their
breathing and heart rates and that strengthen their muscles and bones. Find fun, safe, and active
things you can do with your kids to help keep the whole family healthy.

7. Live a smoke-free life.

Being exposed to secondhand smoke is just as harmful as smoking directly. Be smokefree
during pregnancy to prevent premature birth and other health problems. Stay smoke-free to help lower your children's risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia.

8. Monitor activities.

Kids learn from family, friends, media, school, and more. Know who they spend time with, what
they are doing, and whether their activities are age-appropriate. Know how their schools promote
health and safety.

9. Teach your kids healthy habits.

Help your kids develop skills to make safe and healthy choices every day. These include fastening seat belts, wearing helmets, applying sunscreen, brushing teeth, washing hands, forming healthy relationships, and more. Make safe and healthy choices every day to show kids how to do it.

10. Provide love and support.

Kids need the support and love of family and friends. Talk to your kids to help them understand how they can be healthy, safe, and happy. Find out what's going on with them and how they are making decisions and handling problems. Respond to their physical and emotional needs. It's important for kids to develop in a safe, loving, and secure environment.

8 Natural Alternatives for Joint Pain

Posted: 23 Dec 2012 02:20 AM PST

There are tons of drugs developed by the pharmacy production companies to relief arthritis pain as every fifth American diagnosed with arthritis. Aggressive treatment can help more sufferers go into remission. However prescription drugs don't help to a lot of patients. Moreover, some drugs suppress the immune system, which make patients more susceptible to infections. Side effects from other arthritis medications can include skin irritation and sensitivity, stomach upset, weight gain, eye problems, and more.

If you hope to sidestep these unpleasant effects or prefer to choose not an aggressive treatment, there are natural alternatives for joint pain.

1. Use the Magnets

Patients who wore a sleeve containing a high-powered magnet over the affected knee report that magnetic therapy is helpful. Magnets are working by stimulating the release of the body's natural painkillers and increasing blood flow to the tissue.

2. Take the Ginger extracts

Ginger extract, particularly red ginger, is regularly used in Indonesian traditional medicine as a painkiller for arthritis. It is helps inhibit inflammation, and has been found to relieve muscle pain.

3. Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture can also become a good option for arthritis sufferers. Both traditional and electrical acupuncture reduced tenderness, helped patients with to feel less pain and stiffness, and to enjoy improved joint function.

4. Learn Tai Chi

Tai Chi helps the patients improve muscle function and stiffness, as well as reduce pain and stress levels, as the movements in Tai Chi are slow and gentle, combining movement with focus, helping to not only improve joint function, but relax the body as a whole, which helps reduce pain.

5. Produce Sam-e

Sam-e is a chemical, which is naturally occurring in the body, has been found to treat pain, stiffness, and joint swelling, while improving mobility and rebuilding cartilage. You may choose the supplement, but be careful to avoid potentially dangerous interactions with other medications.

6. Increase Omega-3 fatty acids

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps reduce arthritis pain and stiffness. Omega-3 in fish oil could substantially and significantly reduce the signs and symptoms, as well as slow the progression of the disease.

7. Grow hot Peppers

Hot pepper has an active compound – Capsaicin, which could be applied topically to help relieve the pain of arthritis. Capsaicin is a safe and effective treatment for arthritis; reducing pain for most arthritis patients, but for patients with sensitive skin may create burning and stinging at the application site, so should be used in small amounts first.

8. Investigate the Herbal World

Our planet is generous for the herbs to relief any pain or sufferings. Learning the Herbal World and experience of non-traditional or homeopathy medicines helps to find the remedies. For example, borage seed oil, thunder god vine, stinging nettles and turmeric are the potential pain relieves herbal remedies.



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