
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

10 Ways to Break the Fever without Medication

Posted: 11 Dec 2012 02:00 AM PST

A Fever is thought to be present when a person's body temperature rises above 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 38.00 degrees Celsius. It may or may not be accompanied by aches, pains, colds, coughs, chills, nausea, vomiting and a sore throat. There are many causes of a fever but regardless of the reason, is the body's natural response to infection or other illness and will subside when the underlying process gets better. Knowing ways on how to break a fever is essential in reducing the discomforts accompanied by fever such as pain, redness, swelling and many other symptoms, however, it must be noted that the cause of the fever should always be discovered and treated as soon as possible.

Here are the most common ways to break the fever without medication:

1. Cold compresses

Apply cold compress directly over the forehead or the nape of the neck to be very effective in reducing fever. The hypothalamus is located at the base of the neck and placing cold compress on the site may significantly reduce fever.

2. Tepid sponge bath

For very high fever, tap water or tepid water may be used; just soak a small towel with water and apply on the large areas of exposed skin like the arms, legs and abdomen. Do tapping motion, never stroke the skin with the wet towel. Stroking increases heat through friction while gently tapping the towel will let water evaporate faster to cool the body effectively.

3. Lukewarm bath

Another method of lowering a fever is a lukewarm sponge bath, or a lukewarm bath. Make sure the water is not cold. If person shivering, he has to get out of the bath and dry out quickly as shivering increases the body temperature.

4. One layer of thin clothing

Never wrap a person with fever, dress him up in dry, soft and thin fabrics to allow heat to escape the body but never undress him. Do not wrap with blankets except when experiencing chills. Do not place a person with fever near a fan or an air conditioning unit to reduce body temperature; just allow heat to escape normally from the surface of the skin.

5. Fluid intake

Increase fluid intake with water, juice, fruits and fluids that contain electrolytes. Hydrating from the inside the body can totally reduce body temperature faster. Provided the person drink plenty of liquids, it won’t matter too much he eats very little for a couple of days.

6. Rest

A person with a high temperature also needs rest and sleep. He does not have to be in bed all day, but he must have the opportunity to lie down. Fevers are generally the result of an underlying infection; the body needs more sleep and rest in order to fight off the viruses or bacteria causing it.

7. Cooling the place

Make sure the room is ventilated and cool, but not draughty. Turn up the air conditioning or a fan, but do not place a person with fever near a fan or an air conditioning. If person shivers while their temperature is rising, it’s okay to cover him with a duvet or a blanket. But as soon as temperature has stabilized and he starts sweating, he needs to cool down.

8. Attention

Give lots of ‘TLC’ (tender loving care) to the sick person, particularly to the child. Sick children are often tired and bad-tempered. They sleep a lot – and when they are awake, they want their parents around all the time. They might whine and act younger than their age. It’s okay to give in and spoil a child a little when they’re sick. Read to them, play with them and spend time with them. This is not the time to teach a child good manners.

9. Simple food

Do not give the sick person fatty foods, as the stomach activity declines due to fever and fatty foods are difficult to digest. The chicken bouillon is the best light and healthy food for this period. 

10. Homeopathy and Herbs

Using herbal and homeopathic remedies is one method of naturally reducing fever gently and effectively without the risks often associated with over-the-counter medications. Herbal ingredients such as Yarrow and Meadowsweet have long histories of use in reducing fevers and relieving a number of symptoms that generally accompany a fever. Another beneficial herb that can be used to help is Passiflora incarnate which helps to ease irritability, anxiety and pain, while promoting slumber. As a fever is generally caused by an underlying illness or infection, it is also useful to explore herbal ingredients that work to support the immune system such as Echinacea purpurea and Astragalus membranaceous.


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