
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Turning Off the Tube Linked to Healthier Weight in Teens

Turning Off the Tube Linked to Healthier Weight in Teens

Turning Off the Tube Linked to Healthier Weight in Teens

Posted: 31 Aug 2012 10:04 AM PDT

Study that limited TV time for a year found that kids, but not adults, gained fewer pounds FRIDAY, Aug. 31 (HealthDay News) — Reducing the amount of time that teens spend watching television may prevent them from putting on too much weight, researchers say. In a new study, 153 adults and 72 adolescents in the...

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Keeping Up a Healthy Lifestyle Pays Off in Added Years: Study

Posted: 31 Aug 2012 10:04 AM PDT

Seniors who keep active and don’t smoke live an average 5 years longer, researchers say FRIDAY, Aug. 31 (HealthDay News) — So how much of a benefit might you get from exercising, eating right and avoiding vices like smoking? New research from Sweden suggests that healthy living into old age can boost life spans by...

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