
Sunday, June 26, 2011

John Is Fit

John Is Fit

Grilling Tips for Healthy Eaters

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 07:37 AM PDT

This is a guest post by Bailey Harris.

Nothing compares to the flavor of a freshly grilled meal. Grilling gives food that yummy, smoky taste and can be a very healthy method of cooking if done correctly. That being said, there are certain risks that go along with cooking food on a grill, particularly meats that have a high fat content. Meat isn't the only thing that can be prepared on a grill, though. Grilled fruits and vegetables also taste delicious. There are some handy tips that will help you get the healthiest results possible out of your grilling experience.

Keep Your Grill Clean

You should always use a clean grill when cooking your food, because bits of charred residue can build up and pose risks to your health. This means you should thoroughly clean the cooking racks after each and every use, as well as the inside surface of the grill. Not only will it make the whole cooking process healthier and more efficient, but you will not have to worry about last week's steak being stuck to the chicken breast you plan to cook this evening.

Marinate Your Food

Grilling meat can produce chemicals that have been linked to cancer. For this reason, it is best to use a marinade on your meat before cooking it on a grill. The spices, oils, and juices that are commonly used in marinades can significantly reduce the production of these chemicals, making your meal much healthier. Marinade can also shorten cooking time, tenderize meat, and give it a delicious flavor. You can use marinade on fruits and vegetables as well. Try marinades that are made with olive oil, as it is a very healthy oil to use in cooking.

Use Lean Cuts of Meat

Since the formation of toxic chemicals is more likely when higher-fat meats are exposed to high temperatures, it is best to use meat that is lower in fat when grilling. This means you should try to avoid grilling foods like hamburgers and sausages on a regular basis. Try to stick to leaner cuts like chicken breast, boneless pork chops, and even fish. If you have a cut of meat that has a large amount of fat on it, simply trim away as much fat as you can. Less fat on meat means a lower chance of chemicals being formed, which means a healthier meal for you and your family.

Avoid Overcooking

When food on a grill is overcooked, there is a much larger chance of charring. Charred parts of anything, particularly meat, should be removed before eating. This is because the charred portions contain larger concentrations of chemicals. Try to cook foods over lower heat for a longer period of time, if possible. Be careful to avoid flare-ups as well, as they are the number one cause of charring. Also, try to cook food on a higher rack if your grill has one. All of these things will greatly reduce the chance of your food being overcooked, which will make it much healthier.

Use Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil is a great thing to have around if you want to cook a healthy meal on the grill. First, you can place it on the rack of your grill and use it as a simple pan. This keeps food from being charred or overcooked, while still giving it a yummy flavor. You can also make a packet using aluminum foil and cook an entire meal inside of it. Try a foil pack filled with lean fish or chicken, vegetables, spices, lemon juice, and olive oil. You will end up with a healthy, delicious meal that your family will love.

If you enjoy grilling, all of these tips can make the process healthier. Healthier food is something that you and your whole family will love. You can really get creative when grilling as well, and new things are definitely fun to try. Just always remember to use caution, and your food should turn out safe, healthy, and delicious every time.

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Post from: John Is Fit - Personal Weight Loss Blog

Grilling Tips for Healthy Eaters

The Real Wealth of Being Fit

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 06:58 AM PDT

This is a guest post by Kathleen Hubert.

Fitness professionals, personal trainers, and health gurus have been touting the benefits of being physically fit for years. Often the messages highlight the physique improving aspects of fitness – toned arms, smaller waistlines, and well-defined legs. After all, who doesn't want to look fabulous in skimpy bathing suits or even in their day-to-day wear. However, the plethora of other physical, emotional, and mental benefits that tend to accompany being fit are frequently overlooked.

The real wealth of being fit isn't just looking great, it's a variety of short and long-term results that come along with regular exercise, eating well, and choosing the healthiest lifestyle you can manage. Consider just a few of the following physical benefits of being fit:

  1. Reduced risk of chronic disease – The likelihood of high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and many other diseases are far less in people that remain fit and active.
  2. Better functioning of the circulatory system – Exercising regularly allows proper flow of blood to the heart and other parts of the body, increasing the overall functioning of the body and lowering the risk of heart diseases.
  3. Helps manage your weight – The fitter you are, the more calories you tend to burn. Weight loss has always been one of the most touted benefits of being fit.
  4. Boosts your energy level – Staying fit helps your body to work more efficiently, giving your system more energy to do the things you love.
  5. Aids in promoting better and deeper sleep – Physical fitness can be the key to a better night's sleep and a good night's sleep can improve your concentration, productivity and mood.
  6. Can improve your sex life – Being fits tend to increase your energy, improve your mood and self-esteem, which can lead to positive effects on your sex life. Studies prove that fit people tend to experience arousal on a more regular basis and have more energy to "follow through."

The benefits of being fit don't end with the physical, fitness also lends itself to an array of mental payoffs. Individuals that are fit tend to experience the following mental benefits:

  1. Improved mood – Fit people are happier people.
  2. Less likelihood of depression and anxiety – Exercise increases the chemicals in our bodies that promote happiness, meaning depression and anxiety are greatly reduced.
  3. Increased self-confidence – Fit individuals typically feel better about themselves alll around. They rate themselves higher on physical appearance, happiness, and general well-being.
  4. Better ability to cope with stress – Researchers have found that people that are fit are less stressed overall and more likely to be capable of dealing with stress when it arises.

In addition to a host of physical and emotional benefits, being fit offers individuals a very important mental advantage as well. Fit people tend to demonstrate increased mental acuity, which means that they are typically faster and sharper in their reasoning. In an age where people are living longer, being able to think clearly is vital.

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Post from: John Is Fit - Personal Weight Loss Blog

The Real Wealth of Being Fit


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