
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Notificação de retirada do blog do Blogger

O Blogger foi notificado, de acordo com os termos da Lei de Direitos Autorais do Milênio Digital (DMCA), de que determinado conteúdo em seu blog supostamente infringe os direitos autorais de terceiros. Como resultado, redefinimos a postagem para o status de \"rascunho\". Se não fizéssemos isso, estaríamos sujeitos a uma ação judicial de violação de direitos autorais, independentemente de seus méritos. O URL da postagem supostamente infratora pode ser encontrado no final desta mensagem. Isto significa que sua postagem e todas as imagens, links ou outros conteúdos não foram excluídos. É possível editar a postagem para remover o conteúdo ofensivo e republicar a postagem em questão, tornando-a visível novamente para seus leitores. A DMCA é uma lei de direitos autorais dos Estados Unidos que fornece diretrizes sobre a responsabilidade dos prestadores de serviços on-line em caso de violação de direitos autorais. Se você acha que tem os direitos para publicar o conteúdo em questão aqui, é possível registrar uma contranotificação. Para isso, acesse A notificação que recebemos, com todas as informações de identificação pessoal removidas, será publicada on-line por um serviço chamado Chilling Effects em Fazemos isso de acordo com a Lei de Direitos Autorais do Milênio Digital (DMCA). Você pode pesquisar a notificação da DMCA associada à remoção de seu conteúdo na página de pesquisa do Chilling Effects em Para isso, basta inserir o URL da postagem que foi removida. Se soubermos que você publicou novamente a postagem sem remover o conteúdo/link em questão, iremos excluir sua postagem e considerar isso como uma violação de sua conta. Violações recorrentes de nossos Termos de Serviço podem resultar em ações corretivas contra sua conta do Blogger, incluindo a exclusão de seu blog e/ou o encerramento de sua conta. As notificações da DMCA relativas ao conteúdo de seu blog também podem resultar em ações contra contas do Google AdSense associadas. Caso tenha dúvidas jurídicas sobre a notificação, consulte um advogado. Atenciosamente, Equipe do Blogger URLs afetados: []

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Alterações na Política de Privacidade e nos Termos de Serviço do Google

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Caro usuário do Google,

Estamos substituindo mais de 60 políticas de privacidade diferentes do Google por uma política mais concisa e fácil de ler. A nova política abrange vários produtos e recursos, refletindo nosso objetivo de criar uma experiência extremamente simples e intuitiva em todos os produtos do Google.

Isto é importante. Assim, dedique alguns minutos para ler as versões atualizadas da nossa Política de Privacidade e dos nossos Termos de Serviço em Estas mudanças entrarão em vigor no dia 1º de março de 2012.

Uma política, uma experiência no Google
Fácil de trabalhar em vários produtos Sob medida para você Compartilhar e colaborar é fácil
Fácil de trabalhar em vários produtos

Nossa nova política reflete nosso desejo de criar uma experiência de produto simples, que ofereça o que você precisar, quando você quiser. Seja ao ler um e-mail que o faça lembrar de marcar um encontro familiar ou encontrar um vídeo favorito que você queira compartilhar, queremos que você possa utilizar com facilidade o Gmail, o Google Agenda, a ferramenta de pesquisa, o YouTube ou o que mais você quiser.

Sob medida para você

Se você fizer login no Google, podemos sugerir consultas de pesquisa ou adequar os resultados da pesquisa de acordo com os interesses que você expressou no Google+, Gmail e YouTube. Assim, poderemos compreender melhor qual versão do Pink ou Jaguar você está pesquisando e oferecer esses resultados com mais rapidez.

Compartilhar e colaborar é fácil

Ao postar ou criar um documento on-line, é provável que você queira que outras pessoas o vejam e contribuam. Ao lembrar as informações de contato das pessoas com quem você deseja compartilhar, facilitamos seu compartilhamento em qualquer produto ou serviço do Google com o mínimo de cliques e erros.

A proteção de sua privacidade não mudou.

Nosso objetivo é fornecer a você o máximo de transparência e de escolha possível, por meio de produtos como Google Dashboard e Gerenciador de preferências de anúncios entre outras ferramentas. Nossos princípios de privacidade permanecem os mesmos. Ainda, nunca venderemos nem compartilharemos suas informações profissionais sem sua permissão (a não ser em raras circunstâncias, como solicitações legais legítimas).

Alguma dúvida?
Temos a resposta.

Visite nossas Perguntas frequentes em para saber mais sobre estas mudanças. (Imaginamos que nossos usuários podem ter uma pergunta ou vinte e duas.)

Aviso de alteração

A nova Política de Privacidade e os novos Termos de Serviço do entrarão em vigor em 1º de março de 2012. Se optar por continuar usando o Google assim que a alteração ocorrer, você fará isso de acordo com a nova Política de Privacidade e os Termos de Serviço.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

John Is Fit

John Is Fit

3 Lessons Learned While I was Busy Losing Weight

Posted: 24 Jan 2012 03:57 AM PST

This is a guest post by Jacquie.

Losing weight is a difficult thing to do, but it's much more achievable if you follow the right mindset. Here are a few of the most important things I learned during my weight loss journey.

Losing weight tends to be a bit of an obsession in our culture. To some degree of course, that's good. A healthy body weight is one indicator of our overall health and fitness and it's clear that obesity carries with it some significant health risks. I struggled to keep the pounds off for years before I finally realized that what I was really looking for was that health and vitality that I'd had back in my early 20s, before workplace and family responsibilities pushed my personal goals to the backburner.

Then one day I finally realized that in order to be there and at my best for my family and myself, meant taking some time for myself to work on losing the weight and getting back to being the healthful, energetic and youthful person that I once had been. It wasn't an easy task, but I did learn some things along the way that made the process easier. I'd like to share them with you now in the hopes that you can benefit from them and avoid some of the pitfalls I met with along the way.

3 Weight Loss Lessons For Success

  1. Food is not the enemy. Ok, I'll come out and say it, I love food. There are so many varieties and tastes to discover and I enjoy cooking up a storm and experimenting with new recipes. I think this was one factor in my reluctance to get serious about weight loss. I associated losing weight with depriving myself of food.

    I gradually came to realize though that food is not the enemy. The key is to replace fatty, sugary, processed foods (which, when you get right down to it aren't very satisfying anyway) with healthy, nutrient packed and delicious foods.

    In my quest for healthy culinary choices, I took a healthy cooking class and learned some new recipes that were not only delicious, but also nutritious. Realizing that I didn't have to give up my love of food was a very important moment in my progress.

  2. Aim for being healthy, not just thin. It's hard to escape the tyranny of the scale, but it's very important to realize that your actual weight is only one measure of health.

    In the beginning, your weight will tend to fluctuate and it will be hard to see progress until you've been at it for a while. The remedy is to set goals for general health, rather than just weight loss. Studies have shown that it's better to be fit and active while carrying a few extra pounds than it is to be skinny and inactive.

    Look for ways to improve your health, whether it's through increased fitness, lowered stress levels or even just getting a proper sleep at night. This will help you feel better and have more energy to put towards achieving your goals. And after all, improved health is ultimately what we're all looking for in a weight loss program anyway.

  3. Be sure to get your exercise. Exercise is beneficial in so many ways. It can boost your metabolism, help you burn calories and improve your mood and decision making abilities. Doctors and scientists have known about the benefits of exercise for years and yet many of us don't get enough.

    There are two broad categories of exercise that are helpful, strength training helps build muscle, tone your body, and boost your metabolism. Bigger muscles need more caloric energy for support and this helps you burn more calories throughout the day, not just while you're at the gym. Cardiovascular exercise is even more effective than strength training at burning calories during a workout.

You should do whatever exercise that appeals to you and gives you a sense of variety. I added Pilates to my program and started a regular walking and then jogging program several days per week. My Garmin Garmin GPS Forerunner 305 really helped me control my workouts and see my progress. It showed me exactly how many calories I was burning with each session and I loved the way I could upload the data to my online training log and chart my progress over time. This was probably the best thing I did for my motivation. Seeing the actual fruits of my labor in terms of calories burned helped me look forward to my workouts and got me out there on the trails when I might otherwise have stayed home. It's amazing how satisfying it feels to look back after a couple of months and see all that you've accomplished.

The biggest thing is just to stick with it. There are no big secrets that will help you lose the weight overnight, but if you stick with a simple, well thought out plan, in time you can accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible.

Post from: John Is Fit - Personal Weight Loss Blog

3 Lessons Learned While I was Busy Losing Weight

Sunday, January 22, 2012

John Is Fit

John Is Fit

Exercise Tips for Seniors

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 11:03 AM PST

This is a guest post by Finley Crest.

One of the keys to feeling better is to get in good physical shape, and stay that way. If you adopt this philosophy when you're young, and stick to it, you'll increase your chances of being able to enjoy a long, healthy life. The longer you wait to start an exercise program, the harder it will be to do the things that are necessary to get in shape. However, it's never too late to start–even a moderate exercise program will most likely make you feel better. Following are a few exercise tips for seniors.

First Things First

Before you start exercising, you should see your doctor. This is especially true if you've led a sedentary lifestyle up to this point, or have neglected to keep up with an exercise program. Tell your doctor you'd like to get in better physical shape, and ask them to make sure you're in good enough condition to begin a program. They may even be willing to make a few suggestions about the type of exercise you should engage in.

Alone, or With a Group

Not everyone is cut out to join a gym and work out in front of a lot of other people, or engage in group exercise programs. Some people prefer to get their exercise by themselves, or with one or two other people. You will have to decide the type of environment you'll be most comfortable with. It may be necessary to try it both ways before you can determine which method works best for you.

Start Slow

It is important to start your exercise regimen slowly, especially if you haven't been physically active for awhile. Jumping right into hard physical exercise without allowing your body to get used to the activity first can be detrimental, as well as physically painful. You could pull or strain a muscle and end up not being able to exercise for an extended period of time, which would be worse than doing nothing at all. Instead you should enter a physical exercise program with the intention of making slow, steady progress toward getting your body in good shape. An old adage may say it best–you have to learn to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run. If you're not in good shape, but want to get that way, keep in mind that your body is like an infant–the muscles need to develop before they can be used to run a marathon.

Set Short-Term Goals

Whether your intention is to be able to run a marathon or simply feel better, an exercise program works best if you set goals along the way. When you begin exercising, it may be helpful to have an ultimate goal in mind, such as being able to walk five miles, or jog for 30 minutes without stopping–but don't try and reach those goals too quickly. Instead you should set short-term goals that may help you achieve your ultimate goal. If your intention is to be able to walk 10 miles, but you haven't walked for more than a couple hundred feet in years, then trying to cover 10 miles will not only wear you out, but overexertion could cause extensive physical damage. Set a goal of walking a 1/4 mile the first day, and increase that distance every few days. Your muscles will become conditioned to the exertion, and before long walking 1/4 of a mile won't strain you at all–then you can increase your goal to a mile, and work up to that point. As you attain each short-term goal you'll be one step closer to achieving your ultimate goal.

Leave Bad Habits Behind

If you'd like to achieve your ultimate goal even quicker, you may have to make some additional changes to your lifestyle. It has long been known that the best way to become healthy and stay that way is to eat right and get plenty of exercise. Now that you've decided to exercise, you may have to leave some bad habits behind, including eating unhealthy foods. That daily trip to the freezer for a bowl of ice cream may have to stop, or at least cut down the portion. Instead of eating red meat every day you may have to eat fish or chicken a few times a week. Fruits and vegetables should become a regular staple at mealtime.

Other bad habits that have nothing to do with food may also have to be addressed. Long periods of inactivity in front of the television may have to be replaced by long walks. Instead of driving a couple of blocks to the store or the post office, take a walk and enjoy the fresh air. No matter what your physical condition is, the more you use your muscles, the better you'll feel. Just don't overdo it.

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Post from: John Is Fit - Personal Weight Loss Blog

Exercise Tips for Seniors